The level of attitude of managers and employees towards the goals and concepts of comprehensive quality law management system in hospitals


  • Mageed Jaber Al Musawi College of Law, Al-Ameen University, Baghdad, Iraq



hospitals, law, management, quality


Comprehensive quality management should be considered as a management system that ensures the correct and continuous execution of work at all levels of the hospitals. This system is a direct way to sustain progress and a coherent and comprehensive effort that is used to continuously improve all aspects of a hospitals activities to achieve competitive advantages. The emphasis of the comprehensive quality management system is on increasing the satisfaction of customers or consumers through the management of methods. This system thinks about the continuous improvement of the hospitals activities through individual managers and employees, and finally the effort to improve the performance of all hospitals levels. raises This research is based on the purpose of an applied research from the point of view of the descriptive correlation method. The studies that have been done so far have presented methods and tools of comprehensive quality management to evaluate and implement this system in both industrial and commercial hospitals. are These studies identified dimensions and factors of comprehensive quality management for its evaluation and study. These tools help both researchers and managers to implement comprehensive quality management in the hospitals.


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How to Cite

Al Musawi, M. J. (2024). The level of attitude of managers and employees towards the goals and concepts of comprehensive quality law management system in hospitals. ZAC Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 368–373.