The Phenomenon of Takfir (Causes and Solutions)


  • Raghd Hassan Raghd Hassan Ali Al-Sarraj Department of Financial and Banking Sciences, College of Islamic Sciences, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq



Takfir Phenomenon, economic voids


Intellectual, spiritual, and economic voids are significant factors contributing to the spread of the phenomenon of takfir and terrorism. The absence of an effective state role in economic matters, coupled with the lack of involvement by scholars in intellectual and educational aspects, accelerates the spread of this epidemic. Addressing these gaps helps the youth avoid the pitfalls of doubt, extremism, and misguidance. Consequently, students of knowledge, and young people in general, can fulfill their roles in disseminating knowledge, culture, and ethics, becoming beacons of guidance for those lost in the deserts of strife and misguidance, leading them to the oases of guidance and enlightenment. This process quenches thirsty souls, heals wounded hearts, and turns texts and knowledge into rays of light that illuminate the world with love, development, and peace. It offers a gentle touch to the mind, spirit, and heart, acting as a balm that heals afflictions. Humanity, in turn, will find happiness and shelter under the teachings and guidance of the Prophet of Mercy, our Master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, his family, and his noble companions.


he Holy Quran

"Ihsan fi Taqreeb Sahih Ibn Hibban," commonly known as Sahih Ibn Hibban, by Abu Hatim Muhammad ibn Hibban ibn Ahmad ibn Hibban ibn Mu'adh ibn Ma'bad, Al-Tamimi Al-Darmi Al-Busti (d. 354 AH). Edited and annotated by Shu'aib Al-Arna'ut. Dar Al-Ma'rifah, Beirut. 1st edition, 1408 AH - 1988 CE.

"Adab al-'Alim wa al-Muta'allim wa al-Mufti wa al-Mustafti wa Fadl Talab al-‘Ilm," by Imam Yahya ibn Zakariya Al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him). Dar Al-Sahabah, Tanta, Egypt. 1st edition, 1408 AH - 1987 CE.

"Al-Bahr al-Ra'iq Sharh Kanz al-Daqa'iq," by Ibrahim Zain ibn Muhammad ibn Bakr (d. 970 AH). Dar Al-Ma'rifah, Beirut.

"Tarikh Al-Madina," by Ibn Shabah, Abu Zaid Umar ibn Shabah (also known as Zaid) ibn Ubayda ibn Rayta Al-Namiri Al-Basri (d. 262 AH). Edited by Fahim Muhammad Shaltoot. Published at the expense of: Sayyid Habib Mahmoud Ahmed, Jeddah. 1399 AH.

"Al-Jami' Al-Sahih Al-Mukhtasar," commonly known as Sahih Al-Bukhari, by Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail Al-Bukhari Al-Ja'fai (d. 256 AH). Edited and annotated by Dr. Mustafa Deeb Al-Bagha. Dar Ibn Kathir, Al-Yamama - Beirut. 3rd edition, 1407 AH - 1987 CE. Dar Al-Fikr - Beirut, edited by Muhammad Fouad Abdul-Baqi. Commentary by Muhammad Fouad Abdul-Baqi.

"Sunan Ibn Majah," by Ibn Majah (Majah is the name of his father Yazid), Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Yazid Al-Qazwini (d. 273 AH).

"Sunan Abu Dawood," by Abu Dawood Suleiman ibn Ash'ath ibn Ishaq ibn Bashir ibn Shaddad ibn Amr Al-Azdi Al-Sijistani (d. 275 AH). Edited by Muhammad Muhyiuddin Abdul-Hamid. Al-Maktabah Al-Asriyyah, Sidon - Beirut.

"Sunan Al-Tirmidhi," by Abu Isa Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Sawrah ibn Musa ibn Al-Dhahhak Al-Tirmidhi (d. 279 AH). Edited and annotated by Ahmad Muhammad Shaker (vols. 1, 2), Muhammad Fouad Abdul-Baqi (vol. 3), and Ibrahim Atwah Awad, lecturer at Al-Azhar University (vols. 4, 5). Published by Mustafa Al-Babi Al-Halabi Press - Egypt. 2nd edition, 1395 AH - 1975 CE.

"Sira of Umar ibn Abdul Aziz," by Abu Muhammad Abdullah. Edited by Ahmad Ubaid. 6th edition, Dar Al-Kutub, Beirut. 1404 AH - 1984 CE.

"Sharh Kanz al-Daqa'iq," by Al-Zay'ali, Fakhr al-Din Othman ibn Ali. Dar Al-Kutub Al-Islamiyyah, Cairo. 1333 AH.

"Al-Mustadrak 'ala Al-Sahihayn," by Abu Abdullah Al-Hakim Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Hamdawayh ibn Nu'aim ibn Al-Hakam Al-Dhubi Al-Tahmani Al-Nisaburi, known as Ibn Al-Bayy' (d. 405 AH). Edited by Mustafa Abdul-Qadir Ata. Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut. 1st edition, 1411 AH - 1990 CE.

"Musnad Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal," by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Edited by Shu'aib Al-Arna'ut and others. Dar Al-Ma'rifah. 2nd edition, 1420 AH - 1999 CE.

"Al-Musnad Al-Sahih Al-Mukhtasar bin Naql Al-Adl 'an Al-Adl ila Rasul Allah (peace be upon him)," commonly known as Sahih Muslim, by Abu Al-Husayn Muslim ibn Al-Hajjaj Al-Qushayri Al-Nisaburi (d. 261 AH). Edited by a group of scholars. Dar Al-Jil, Beirut. Edition: Reproduced from the Turkish edition printed in Istanbul in 1334 AH.

"Al-Musannaf," by Abu Bakr Abdul-Razzaq ibn Hammam ibn Nafi' Al-Humayri Al-Yamani Al-San'ani (d. 211 AH). Edited by Habib Al-Rahman Al-A'zami. Al-Maktabah Al-Islamiyyah, Beirut. 2nd edition, 1403 AH.

"Ma'alim Al-Tariq fi 'Amal Al-Ruh Al-Insani," by Dr. Abdullah Mustafa. Amman. 1st edition, 1414 AH - 1993 CE.

"Al-Mu'jam Al-Kabir," by Abu Al-Qasim Suleiman ibn Ahmad ibn Ayub Al-Lakhmi Al-Tabarani (d. 360 AH). Edited by Hamdi Abdul-Hamid Al-Salafi. 2nd edition, Maktabah Ibn Taymiyyah, Cairo.

"Mizan Al-Usool fi Nata'ij Al-'Uqool fi Usool Al-Fiqh," by Al-Samarqandi Al-Hanafi. Edited by Abdul-Malik Abdul-Rahman Al-Sa'di. 1st edition, Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs - Committee for the Revival of Arab and Islamic Heritage. 1407 AH - 1987 CE.

"Nafh Al-Tayyib min Ghusn Al-Andalus Al-Ratib," by Ahmad ibn Maqri Al-Tlemceni. Edited by Ihsan Abbas. Dar Saader, Beirut, Lebanon.




How to Cite

Raghd Hassan Ali Al-Sarraj, R. H. (2024). The Phenomenon of Takfir (Causes and Solutions). ZAC Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 374–384.

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