Civil Liability for Damage to Digital Content (Comparative Study)


  • Kazem Hammadi Yousef Al-Halfi Faculty of Law, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq



Civil Liability, freedom, digital content


Digital content is one of the results of the modern digital revolution, which affects the most accurate and personal rights of individuals. Personal and public information that is collected and shared over the Internet is increasing, which leads to the imposition of a type of risks and challenges whose impact is widespread, frequent and accelerated across the digital field, which is characterized by complexity and sensitivity of people. The digital field is cross-border, multidimensional, interconnected and rapidly spreading among users. Rights related to the circulation of information, including freedom of opinion and expression, freedom to circulate information, the right to privacy, the right to digital security, and the right to digital privacy. It is not a right to harass people under the pretext of freedom of opinion and expression. Everyone has the right to adopt a certain faith or thought without being harassed by others as a result of their own ideas or beliefs, provided that they are limited by some of the necessary restrictions specified in the text of the law, and in a manner that preserves the public interest. The right to privacy is also an endorsement of personal freedom without seriously violating the right of another person to the extent that his affairs and conditions are under the knowledge of others, which causes the privacy of others to be presented to the public, and here it entails the responsibility of violating the right of others to privacy. Privacy is a fertile field for individuals to exercise their right to enjoy self-development with others, in a way that ensures influence and influence in many areas to increase meaningful human knowledge, but without intruding on the rights of others. Everyone has the right to privacy through the digital field of Internet networks, as everyone has the right to protect their personal data, retain, process and control it, and not to allow others to penetrate it. Everyone should benefit from the digital revolution, and the optimal use of meaningful digital content as producers of contents, blogs and services, not just consumers. Therefore, the issue of competencies for the optimal and meaningful use of digital content is part of the indicators of the special dimension of participation in a way that ensures a critical sense, efficiency, and ethics, and in a way that ensures the public use of the digital field of the Internet, and in a way that promotes digital human rights. All digital human rights must be respected, which find its legal basis in positive legislation and international charters, but they are still subject to violations, especially in light of the increase in personal information circulated to users , which may be misused by some and cause serious harm to others , may affect their reputation , or personal consideration, and sometimes this may be a tool used  to blackmail the victim , or bullying him, and then make him vulnerable to many serious material or moral damages. Digital content may have several aspects , in which there may be meaningful content and a tool for human development among individuals , and digital content may include a violation of the rights of other people, exposing them to material and moral damage, and this in turn reflects on societal peace, and exposes social ties to disintegration , dispersion , and lack of confidence in dealing with others , and here it has become necessary to develop deterrent legal rules for people who misuse the digital field of wide Internet networks and their various programs. The pillars of civil legal responsibility are available when a certain person uses the digital field by producing inappropriate digital content on the Internet through which he deliberately offends others in their personal consideration, reputation, or honor, whether the aim is to blackmail the victim or bully him electronically, and here the element of error is achieved. If this error results in damage to the person whose digital rights have been violated as a result, the second pillar of civil legal responsibility is formed, and when the causal relationship is available, the three pillars of responsibility are formed, and when available, the person responsible for this is held accountable. Civil liability for the damage of digital content constitutes an effective system to reduce the damage of the violation of the digital rights of subscribers through the digital field. The tools of this liability must be at a high-level equivalent to the damage and the consequent risks. All public and private efforts should be combined to reduce this. The damage is not private, but rather results in a serious reflection that results in the modern disintegration of social ties.

Author Biography

Kazem Hammadi Yousef Al-Halfi, Faculty of Law, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq

Digital content is one of the results of the modern digital revolution, which affects the most accurate and personal rights of individuals. Personal and public information that is collected and shared over the Internet is increasing, which leads to the imposition of a type of risks and challenges whose impact is widespread, frequent and accelerated across the digital field, which is characterized by complexity and sensitivity of people. The digital field is cross-border, multidimensional, interconnected and rapidly spreading among users. Rights related to the circulation of information, including freedom of opinion and expression, freedom to circulate information, the right to privacy, the right to digital security, and the right to digital privacy. It is not a right to harass people under the pretext of freedom of opinion and expression. Everyone has the right to adopt a certain faith or thought without being harassed by others as a result of their own ideas or beliefs, provided that they are limited by some of the necessary restrictions specified in the text of the law, and in a manner that preserves the public interest. The right to privacy is also an endorsement of personal freedom without seriously violating the right of another person to the extent that his affairs and conditions are under the knowledge of others, which causes the privacy of others to be presented to the public, and here it entails the responsibility of violating the right of others to privacy. Privacy is a fertile field for individuals to exercise their right to enjoy self-development with others, in a way that ensures influence and influence in many areas to increase meaningful human knowledge, but without intruding on the rights of others. Everyone has the right to privacy through the digital field of Internet networks, as everyone has the right to protect their personal data, retain, process and control it, and not to allow others to penetrate it. Everyone should benefit from the digital revolution, and the optimal use of meaningful digital content as producers of contents, blogs and services, not just consumers. Therefore, the issue of competencies for the optimal and meaningful use of digital content is part of the indicators of the special dimension of participation in a way that ensures a critical sense, efficiency, and ethics, and in a way that ensures the public use of the digital field of the Internet, and in a way that promotes digital human rights. All digital human rights must be respected, which find its legal basis in positive legislation and international charters, but they are still subject to violations, especially in light of the increase in personal information circulated to users , which may be misused by some and cause serious harm to others , may affect their reputation , or personal consideration, and sometimes this may be a tool used  to blackmail the victim , or bullying him, and then make him vulnerable to many serious material or moral damages. Digital content may have several aspects , in which there may be meaningful content and a tool for human development among individuals , and digital content may include a violation of the rights of other people, exposing them to material and moral damage, and this in turn reflects on societal peace, and exposes social ties to disintegration , dispersion , and lack of confidence in dealing with others , and here it has become necessary to develop deterrent legal rules for people who misuse the digital field of wide Internet networks and their various programs. The pillars of civil legal responsibility are available when a certain person uses the digital field by producing inappropriate digital content on the Internet through which he deliberately offends others in their personal consideration, reputation, or honor, whether the aim is to blackmail the victim or bully him electronically, and here the element of error is achieved. If this error results in damage to the person whose digital rights have been violated as a result, the second pillar of civil legal responsibility is formed, and when the causal relationship is available, the three pillars of responsibility are formed, and when available, the person responsible for this is held accountable. Civil liability for the damage of digital content constitutes an effective system to reduce the damage of the violation of the digital rights of subscribers through the digital field. The tools of this liability must be at a high-level equivalent to the damage and the consequent risks. All public and private efforts should be combined to reduce this. The damage is not private, but rather results in a serious reflection that results in the modern disintegration of social ties.


Dr. Jassim Mohammed Masoud, The Host , and Dr.Tariq Abdel Raouf Saleh , Civil Liability for Abusing the Right to Express Opinion in Kuwaiti Legislation, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya , Cairo, Egypt, 2012, p. 12.

Dr.Khaled Hassan Ahmed , Cybercrime between Electronic Piracy and Electronic Extortion Crimes - Comparative Study , 1st Edition, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jami , Alexandria , Egypt , 2018, p. 19.

Judge Salem Roudan Al-Mousawi , The Legal System for Creating a Social Media Page in the Light of Civil Law and Criminal Responsibility, A Comparative Study Enhanced by Judicial Applications, Baghdad , Iraq , 2021, p. 17.

Dr.Khaled Mustafa Fahmy , The civil responsibility of the journalist for his civil work, New University House, Alexandria , Egypt, 2003, p. 22.

Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Siddiqi , Electronic content and its industry , a quantitative analytical study, available through the website Files/arabicportals.ppt /

Dr.Khaled Hassan Ahmed , Cybercrime between Electronic Piracy and Cyber Extortion Crimes - Comparative Study, op. Cit., P. 22.

Judge Salem Roudan Al-Mousawi , The Legal System for Creating a Page through Social Media in the Light of Civil Law and Criminal Responsibility, A Comparative Study Enhanced by Judicial Applications, op. Cit., P. 31.

Dr.Nabil Mohamed Morsi, Modern Technologies of Information , Modern University Publishing House, Alexandria, Egypt, 2005,p. 44

Dr. Yaqoub Mohammed Al-Harthy , Civil Liability for Electronic Publishing, 1st Edition, Wael Publishing and Distribution House, Amman , Jordan, 2015, p. 35

This is referred to in paragraph (11) of Article (1) of the Iraqi Electronic Signature Law No. (78) of 2012, as it defined the contract as defined in Article (73) of the Iraqi Civil Code, with the addition of the phrase (the contract that is made by electronic means).

Dr.Mohamed Hassan Qassem , Civil Code, Contract , Volume /2 , Al-Halabi Human Rights Publications, Beirut , Lebanon , 2018,p. 208

(12) See: Dr.Abdul Razzaq Al-Sanhouri , Mediator in Explaining the Civil Law, Part 1 , Theory of Commitment - Sources of Commitment , Dar Ihyaa Al-Turath Al-Arabi , Beirut , Lebanon , 1978, p. 755.

Dr. Mohamed Hussein Mansour , Electronic Responsibility, New University Publishing House, Cairo , Egypt , 2007, p. 344

Dr. Ali Hassan Al-Thanoun, Al-Mabsoot in Civil Liability; Part 2, Damage , Thames Printing and Publishing Company, 1988,p. 242 et seq.

(15) See: Dr.Mohammed Hussein Al-Shami , Theory of Civil Liability in Yemeni and Egyptian Law and Islamic Jurisprudence,1st Edition, New Generation Library, Sana 'a , Yemen , 1994, p. 39.

Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Sanhouri , Mediator in Explaining the Civil Law, Part 1, Theory of Obligation - Sources of Obligation , op. Cit., P. 779.

Dr.Mohamed Ibrahim El-Desouky , Estimating Compensation between Error and Damage, University Culture Foundation, Alexandria, Egypt, 1995, p. 163 et seq.

The Iraqi Publishing and Media Court ruled in a ruling that "the defendant committed an error towards the plaintiff by distorting his reputation , and published a number of advice and comments on his page on social media sites in a way that harms the plaintiff's reputation.... " , See : Judgment of the Court of Publishing and Media Cases, Civil , Civil Division in the Presidency of Baghdad Appeal - Federal Rusafa, No. 204, on 20/12/2015, unpublished judgment.

For more detail, see: D. Ghani Hassoun Taha , The Brief Theory of General Obligations , Part 1, Sources of Obligation , Baghdad , 1971, p. 453 et seq .

Dr.Shirin Hussein Amin Al-Asili, Civil Liability of the Publisher, Legal Books House, Cairo , Egypt, 2015, p. 415 and beyond.

Dr. Rabhi Tabob Fatima Al-Zahra, Electronic Tortious Error, Research published in the Journal of Comparative Legal Studies, University of Mohamed Bouguerra Boumerdes, Faculty of Law and Political Science - Boudouaou, Issue(2), Volume (6), 2020, p. 189 et seq.

The decision of the Egyptian Court of Cassation, dated 9/11/1975, s. 16, s. 271, p. 1356 , quoting : Dr.Ahmed Mohamed Fathi Al-Khouli , Civil Liability for the Misuse of Electronic Journalism,research submitted to the Fourth Scientific Conference entitled ( Law and Media ) from 23 to 24 April 2017, p. 20 .

Decision of the Court of Publishing and Media Cases - Civil Section - Presidency of the Baghdad Court of Appeal - Federal Rusafa, Issue (19), dated 28/4/2016, unpublished judgment.

Dr.Hassan Ali Al-Dhanoun, Principles of Obligation , Al-Maaref Press, Baghdad , Iraq, 1970, p. 221 et seq.

(25)See : Dr.Fathi Abdel Rahim , Sources of Involuntary Commitment, Part 1, Dar Al-Kutub , Cairo, Egypt, 1999, p. 88 et seq.

Dr. Jamil Al-Sharqawi , The General Theory of Commitment - Sources of Commitment , 1st Edition, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya for Publishing and Distribution ,1975, p. 79 et seq.

Dr.Mohamed Hassan Mansour, The General Theory of Commitment , Sources of Commitment ,Part 1, New University House, Alexandria, 2005, p. 603 et seq .

Dr.Mustafa Al-Awji, Civil Law - Civil Liability, Part 2, 1st Edition, Bahsoun Foundation for Launch and Distribution , Beirut , Lebanon , 2016, p. 284 et seq.

Dr.Hassan Ali Al-Dhanoun, Al-Mabsoot in the Explanation of the Civil Law - Error , Part 1, op. Cit., P. 9 et seq .

Dr.Mohamed Abdel Zaher Hussein , Legal Responsibility in the Field of the Internet , Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya , Cairo , Egypt , 2002, p. 22 et seq .

Dr. Ghada Abdel Karim Mohamed Gad , Civil Liability for the Circulation of Rumors through Social Media Sites, Research Paper submitted to the Scientific Conference at the Faculty of Law - Tanta University, Law and Rumors , 2019 , p. 22.

This is stipulated in Article ( 6-1/ 2) of the Law of Confidence in the French Digital Economy No. (575) of 2004.

Dr.Mohamed Hussein Mansour , Electronic Responsibility, op. Cit., P. 184 et seq.

This is stipulated in Article (43-8) of the French Freedom of Communication Law No. (86-1067) of 1986, as amended , that "natural and legal persons who undertake, free of charge or in return for direct and continuous storage of information, and everything of its nature that can be received, shall not be criminally or civilly responsible for the content of this information or service unless they become competent to control it by order of the judicial authority, and they refrain from quickly stopping the transmission or publication of this information through Internet sites."

Dr.Marwa Saleh Mahdi , Civil Liability for Electronic Publishing, op. Cit., P. 70 et seq.

(36)These conditions are referred to in Articles (3, 4, 6) of the Iraqi Code of Procedure in force No. 83 of 1969, as amended .

Dr.Suleiman Mark , Al-Wafi in Explanation of Civil Law, Harmful Act and Civil Liability, op. Cit., P. 583 et seq.

Dr.Kazem Hamdan Al-Bazouni , op. Cit., P. 162 et seq .

This is stipulated in Article (429) of the Iraqi Civil Code in force , and is matched by Article (374) of the Egyptian Civil Code in force.

This is stipulated in Article (232) of the Iraqi Civil Code in force , and is matched by Article (127/1 ) of the Egyptian Civil Code in force.

Dr.Adnan Ibrahim Al-Sarhan , and Dr.Nouri Hamad Khater , op. Cit., P. 476 et seq.

This is stipulated in Article (89) of the Iraqi Civil Procedure Law in force.

This is stipulated in Article (90) of the same law.

This is stipulated in Article (698) of the Iraqi Civil Code in force .

This is stipulated in Article (699) of the same law.

Dr.Nabil Ibrahim Saad , The General Theory of Commitment , Sources of Commitment , Part 1, New University House, Alexandria , Egypt, 2004, p. 479 et seq.

Consider, Dr.Hassan Ali Al-Dhanoun, Al-Mabsoot in Civil Liability, Part 1, Damage, op. Cit., P. 233 et seq.

The Paris Court of Appeal ruled in the case of the spread of digital damage, that "the practice of the activity of supplying information is not authorized to be published." It ruled a very high compensation as a result of the widespread damage caused by the harmful activity of the official. The compensation was estimated at a total of (300,000 ) French francs. The court justified the high compensation, because the damage caused by the spread of unauthorized information caused to the injured person extensive and widespread damage continuously on the Internet . For more details see: Dr. Mohamed Abdel Zaher Hussein , op. Cit., P. 173 et seq.

Dr. Saadoun Al-Ameri , Compensation for Damage in Tort , op. Cit., P. 148 et seq.

Dr.Ali Hassan Al-Thanoun , Damage , op. Cit., P. 35 et seq.

Dr.Ahmed Mohammed Fathi Al-Khouli , Civil Liability for the Misuse of Electronic Journalism,research submitted to the Fourth Scientific Conference entitled ( Law and Media ) from 23 to 24 April 2017.

Dr.Jassim Mohammed Masoud, the host , and Dr.Tariq Abdel Raouf Saleh , Civil Liability for Abusing the Right to Express Opinion in Kuwaiti Legislation, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya , Cairo , Egypt ,2012.

Dr. Jamil Al-Sharqawi , The General Theory of Commitment - Sources of Commitment , 1st Edition, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya for Publishing and Distribution ,1975.

Dr.Khaled Hassan Ahmed , Cybercrime between Electronic Piracy and Electronic Extortion Crimes - Comparative Study , 1st Edition, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jami , Alexandria , Egypt , 2018.

Dr.Khaled Mustafa Fahmy , The Civil Responsibility of the Journalist for his Civil Works, New University House, Alexandria , Egypt, 2003.

Dr. Ribhi Taboub Fatima Al-Zahra, Electronic Tort, Research published in the Journal of Comparative Legal Studies, University of Mohamed Bouguerra Boumerdes, Faculty of Law and Political Science - Boudouaou, Issue(2), Volume (6), 2020.

Judge Salem Roudan Al-Mousawi , The Legal System for Creating a Social Media Page in the Light of Civil Law and Criminal Liability, A Comparative Study Enhanced with Judicial Applications, Baghdad , Iraq , 2021.

Dr.Shirin Hussein Amin Al-Assili, Civil Liability of the Publisher, Legal Books House, Cairo , Egypt, 2015.

Dr.Abdul Razzaq Al-Sanhouri , Mediator in Explaining the Civil Law, Part 1 , Theory of Commitment - Sources of Commitment , Dar Ihyaa Al-Turath Al-Arabi , Beirut , Lebanon , 1978..

Dr. Ali Hassan Al-Dhanoun, Principles of Obligation , Al-Maaref Press, Baghdad , Iraq , 1970.

Dr.Alli Hassan Al-Thanoun, Al-Mabsoot in Civil Liability; Part 2, Damage , Thames Printing and Publishing Company, 1988.

Dr. Ghada Abdel Karim Mohamed Gad , Civil Liability for Circulating Rumors through Social Media Sites, Research Paper presented to the Scientific Conference at the Faculty of Law - Tanta University, Law and Rumors , 2019 , p. 22.

Dr. Ghani Hassoun Taha , Brief in the Theory of Commitments , Part 1, Sources of Commitment , Baghdad , 1971.

Dr. Fathi Abdel Rahim , Sources of Involuntary Commitment, Part 1, Dar Al-Kutub , Cairo , Egypt , 1999.

Dr.Mohamed Ibrahim El-Desouky , Estimating Compensation between Error and Damage, University Culture Foundation, Alexandria, Egypt, 1995.

Dr.Mohamed Hassan Qassem , Civil Code , Contract , Volume /2 , Al-Halabi Human Rights Publications, Beirut , Lebanon , 2018.

Dr.Mohamed Hassan Mansour, General Theory of Commitment , Sources of Commitment ,Part 1, New University House, Alexandria, 2005 .

Dr.Mohammed Hussein Al-Shami , Theory of Civil Liability in Yemeni and Egyptian Law and Islamic Jurisprudence,1st Edition, New Generation Library, Sana 'a , Yemen , 1994.

Mohamed Hussein Mansour, Medical Responsibility, New University Publishing House, Cairo, 1999, p. 196.

Dr.Mohamed Abdel Zaher Hussein , Legal Responsibility in the Field of the Internet , Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya , Cairo , Egypt , 2002.

Dr.Mustafa Al-Awji, Civil Law - Civil Liability, Part 2, 1st Edition, Bahsoun Foundation for Launch and Distribution , Beirut , Lebanon , 2016.

Dr.Nabil Ibrahim Saad , General Theory of Commitment , Sources of Commitment , Part 1, New University House, Alexandria , Egypt, 2004.

Dr. Nabil Mohamed Morsi, Modern Technologies of Information , Modern University Publishing House, Alexandria , Egypt , 2005.

Iraqi Civil Code No. 40 of 1951 and its amendments .

The Iraqi Code of Procedure in force No. 83 of 1969, as amended .

Ethnic Publications Law No. 206 of 1968 .

Iraqi Civil Procedure Law No. 83 of 1969, as amended.

Iraqi Electronic Signature Law No. (78) of 2012.

Third - Foreign Laws: Third- Foreign Laws

Egyptian Civil Code No. 131 of 1948, as amended

The French Civil Code of 1804 as amended .

The French Civil Code of 2016.

Law of Confidence in the French Digital Economy No. (575) of 2004.

The French Freedom of Communication Law No. (86-1067) of 1986, as amended .

Fourth - Websites : Fourth- Websites

I. Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Siddiqi , Electronic content and its industry , a quantitative analytical study, available through the website

Files/arabicportals.ppt /, Title. Degree, Academic Department, University.




How to Cite

Al-Halfi, K. H. Y. (2024). Civil Liability for Damage to Digital Content (Comparative Study). ZAC Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 312–336.