Causes of Drug Use and Methods of Legal Treatment


  • Muadh Jassim College of Law, University of Anbar, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ezz El-Din Mazen Abbas Department of Law, Al Hikma University College, Baghdad, Iraq



Drug, Legal Treatment


Drug addiction or use dates back to ancient times, with its roots lying in the human use of certain plants containing substances that alter mental states, perception, and sensations for thousands of years. These substances were used either to experience pleasure, alleviate the pain of a particular patient, endure suffering, or forget a painful life and its burdens. Drugs play a significant role in encouraging individuals to commit various crimes due to their impact on the nervous and sensory systems. Furthermore, drug abuse has become one of the most pressing problems and challenges facing our society, posing severe threats to families and youth and warning of potential disintegration. Regardless of the form or type of drug, it remains one of the most dangerous social issues and plagues that harm our community due to its profoundly negative effects on individuals, families, and society at large.One of the causes behind the prevalence of drug use is the high unemployment rate and lack of job opportunities within Iraqi society, leading to idle individuals who, with excess free time, may turn to drug addiction. Additionally, poverty becomes a bias, with the influential factor being the creation of a strong and urgent desire that drives drug users to obtain substances by any means and gradually increase their dosage. Other significant causes of drug use or addiction include family environment, bad company, working conditions, general social influences, or the desire to escape from one's social or economic reality. In some cases, sudden wealth among certain families may also contribute to drug abuse. As a result, drug abuse has become a focal issue throughout Iraq due to its destructive impact on Iraqi society. It is a primary factor in numerous social, security, economic, and health problems, leading Iraqi society to invest considerable energy and financial resources in preventing its spread and mitigating its effects on individuals and the community. This has been addressed through various legal and other means. The significance of this study lies in understanding how drug users can reintegrate into society as normal individuals without suffering from physical or psychological disorders resulting from drug addiction. This can only be achieved through understanding and addressing treatment methods and attempts to eliminate the causes of drug use or addiction. Officials must exercise caution and consider this issue to ensure that drug users are free from drugs and their negative consequences


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How to Cite

Jassim, M., & Abbas, E. E.-D. M. (2024). Causes of Drug Use and Methods of Legal Treatment . ZAC Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 385–397.